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Pharmaceutical Testing Instruments

Analgesiometer is the instrument ant for studying the analgesic effect of Morphine by observing the Paw licking or jump response due to heat as heat is used as source of pain. Analgesics increase the reaction time of animals to heat.

The instrument is self contained in all respect It is fitted with heat element maintained at constant temperature (adjustable) with the help of front panel controls marked current it is provided with an acrylic box fitted for placing the mice gunmetal stand over the heat element for holding the tail of the mice two nozzles are provided on the stand for cooling by water on Hot.

An algesiometer operates on 220/230 V50 HZ

With small spray pump.
With Electric Nebuliser.

The Electro-Convulsometer is the instrument used for applying maximal Electro shock (MES) through the corneal electrodes activity with the instrument. It is used to study the anticonvulsant activity of phonation against maximal electro shock induced convulsions in rats.

The instrument contains manual voltage corrector so that a constant current can be applied to the mice or the corneal electrode.

The control panel is properly designed for easy to use and is self explanatory.

The shock period can be controlled with the help of electronic timer from 0.1 seconds to 3 seconds.

The instrument is provided with three sets of cornels electrodes of different sizes.

ROTA ROD is the instrument meant for studying the effect of diazepam on the muscle grip strength of mice. A versatile built with LSI chips is equipped with Four/ Two/Three compartments and Four/Two/Three independent 4 digits. Digital milliseconds timer for measuring the fall-off time of the mice

It is also equipped with a motor coupled with rotating rod whose speed can be varied with the help of the front panel knob marked with an arrow or speed less than 10 RPM. One of the important pharmacological actions of ant anxiety of agents of benzodiazepine class of drugs is muscle relaxing property. The skeletal muscle relaxation together with taming or calming effect these agents reduces anxiety and tension. The loss of muscle-grip is an indication of muscle relaxation; this can be easily checked in animals, using ROTA ROD.The difference in the fall of time
from the rotating rod between the control and diazepam treated animals is taken
an index of muscle relaxation.

Student stimulators Transistorized:

Output 0-25 DC in two steps, duration, 5 or 1.5 ms frequency 5 to 100 c/s in 11 steps, modes, single, repetitive or an external trigger, for 220 V 50 Hz.

Student Electronic Stimulator Latest Design:

Frequency continuously variable from 0.1 Hz to 100 Hz in 3 decades of 0.1 to 1,1 to 10 and 10 to 100 selectable through push-button controls and one continuously variable control.

Output voltage continuously variable from 0 to 30V in to steps of 1 to 3 and 1 to 30 selectable through a switch.

Fixed pulse duration 1 m sec

Single & external trig. Single pulse facility.

Sensitive speaker to give audible indication or each output.

High stability new circuitry minimizes external interference.

Stimulator General Purpose: Provides rectangular pulse of controlled aptitudes 0.1 -100V Frequency 0.1 -1000 PPS & width 0.01 to 100mm. Research Stimulator with R.F Isolation unit: Provides rectangular pulse of controlled polarity, Amplitude 1.5Mv to 150V. Frequency 0.1 to 10 KCS delays 10 micro sec to 1 sec & width 10 micro sec to 1 sec.

This Instrument is designed with the Modern-State-if-Art-Technology incorporating LSI Electronic Digital Circuitry

The Chamber for the animal is made out of clear Perspex sheet fitted with grill of nickel plated brass rods placed 3/16" apart.

A variable shock of strength 100v, 50 Hz, 0.2 Ma is provided which is built-in the instrument.

Also a four digit counter is provided which counts the movement of the animal inside the Perspex chamber.The counter is provided with a reset switch.

The control panel is properly designed and is self explanatory. The value of shock strength can be adjust with the help of the Adj. Know marked SHOCK STRENGTH and is indicated on the DIGITAL voltmeter.

Separate indicators are provided to indicate the Mains ON and the shock strength ON. Also separate ON/OFF switches are provided to switch on the instrument and Shock Strength.

The instrument is provided with a detachable Mains Cord for easy handling and storage.

The instrument is provided with a detachable Mains Cord for easy handling and storage.

A droppings tray, which is removable for cleaning is provided under the Perspex chamber.