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General Lab Instruments

For Sterlity Test: Vacuum filter holder for sterility test to hold membrane
     (without flask).
Available In Size
Made of Glass to hold membrane filters of dia 47 m.m. in 250 ml -IIC 160 A.
Made of Glass to hold membrane filters of dia 47 m.m. in 500ml - IIC 160 B.

To This machine designed for extracting the pulp of most fruits and vegetables
     such as mangoes, guavas peaches, tomatoes, banana etc. Mounted on a
     heavy duty mild steel stand, the central pulping unit of the machine consists of
      a pair of brushes fixed on stainless steel the central pulping unit of the
     machine consists of a pair of brushes fixed on stainless steel shaft and one
     stainless steel sieve.

The gap between the sieve and the brushes can be adjusted to suit different
     types, sizes and qualities of the product to be pulped the sieve is available in
     perforation of different sizes and is easily removable for quick interchanging
     and cleaning. All contact parts are of S.S. - 304 grade S. Steel.

Available In Size
Automatic 0-60 minute "GERMAN" Timer.
Digital Model also Available

Fitted with F.H.P. motor having speed regulator and Maximum speed 4000 RPM
     with perforated S.S. disc.

The unit is having arrangement for moving in horizontal and vertical direction
     (Complete on stand).

Available In Size
With 1/20 H.P Motor and S.S. Disc and speed regulator- IIC159 A.
-do-with 1/4 H.P. Heavy Duty Motor and speed regulator - IIC 159 B.
-do-with 1/2 H.P. Heavy Duty Motorand speed regulator- IIC 159 C.